Agoge Global USA, Inc.

Importer Registration

Please complete the below form to register your business with Agoge Global USA, Inc.

    Contact Information

    Please provide the contact information for the person completing this form.

    * denotes required information.

    Business Information

    Please provide the information on the business that you are registering.

    * denotes required information.

    Business Address


    Please provide the required documents. If your files are too large please email to

    Note: If you are experiencing an issue with your file size in a required field, use this image (right click, Save As) as a filler and after sending the form, email the required documents to Reference: "US Importer Onboarding KYC Verification", your email address, full name, and type of document that you have attached.

    * denotes required information.
    Maximum file size: 4mb (PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC & DOCX accepted) Maximum file size: 4mb (PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC & DOCX accepted) Note: Combine all documents into one file. If you are having trouble, Please email files to Maximum file size: 4mb (PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC & DOCX accepted) Note: Combine all documents into one file. If you are having trouble, Please email files to Maximum file size: 4mb (PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC & DOCX accepted)